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Safety hazards in the crane industry

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Many workers in Rhode Island have physically demanding jobs that put them at risk of accidents. Even with safety protocols, the crane industry presents certain hazards. These are the most common and how workers can stay safer.

Crane safety hazards

One of the most common workplace accidents in the crane industry occurs when materials fall. Unfortunately, even when operated safely, objects can spill from a load. Workers in the immediate area can be struck and injured.

Crane operators must know the weight limit for loads they transport from one place to another. If overloading occurs, it can cause the crane to turn over onto its side or the objects to fall.

Crane industry workers commonly operate around electrical lines at significant heights. This can lead to direct contact between the vehicle and lines, resulting in electrocution injuries. Workers on the ground can also be impacted if a live electrical line falls.

If a worker is in the area when a crane is being used, it can lead to pinch points, This is a dangerous situation where part of a person’s body gets caught in an area of the machine while it’s in operation. It can lead to severe injuries such as amputation or crushing, which can be fatal.

Measures to keep workers safer

The first way to keep workers safer is to ensure the ground is level before installing a crane. Loads should be kept at the appropriate weight to prevent accidents, and the crane should never be used during rainy, snowy or windy conditions.

Barricading the area around the crane can prevent a potential tragedy. Only a certified rigger should be permitted inside to signal to the operator; however, they must avoid going near the crane when a load is lifted.