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Amputations and workers’ comp claims

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Employees in Rhode Island face risks at work, as even a momentary distraction could lead to an injury. Some jobs are far more dangerous than others, meaning the chances of severe injuries are higher. Workers could suffer lacerations or crushing injuries that require the amputation of a limb. These workers might find their lives impacted forever, and they could rely on a workers’ compensation claim to help them financially in the aftermath.

Worksite accidents and the loss of limb

When an injury proves so severe that amputation becomes necessary, the worker may benefit from a prosthetic limb. The costs associated with the prosthetic limb may fall under workers’ compensation coverage. Employees may not realize their workers’ comp insurance could cover the expenses.

The average worker might be unaware of how extensive this type of insurance is. Many people overlook how workers’ compensation works until they suffer an injury. They might not know that workers’ comp could cover permanent disabilities or provide death benefits to survivors. They may be unaware that workers’ comp could cover replacing older prosthetics when newer, enhanced ones become available.

Procuring workers’ compensation benefits

Employees must file a workers’ compensation claim timely. They must also follow the necessary steps, such as undergoing medical examinations, as required. Not following these essential steps could lead to the rejection of their claim.

Unfortunately, an employee might receive a legitimate workers’ comp claim denial. An appeals process exists, and it could be possible to overcome the initial rejection.

Although workers’ comp generally protects employers from lawsuits, third parties do not receive such benefits. An injured worker might also sue a third party for compensation and punitive damages, depending on the specifics.