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Workers’ Compensation Settlements In Rhode Island

A workers’ compensation settlement is the total sum of the money an individual gets from their company’s insurer after a workplace accident. After the filings and appeals are complete, they have their compensation, but what does that look like? Workers’ compensation settlements can seem like a lot of money, but are getting full value for the impact on your life?

The Law Offices of Lawrence J. Signore, serves Rhode Islanders across the state. Known as The Rhode Lawyer, our attorney, Lawrence Signore, has found much success in fighting for the money our clients deserve. He works hard for our clients, and it shows in the workers’ compensation settlements they receive.

An Overview Of Settlements In Workers’ Compensation

There are mainly two types of settlements of Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Claims.

A lump sum settlement, also known as a commutation, is the total sum of the money an individual gets from their company’s insurer after a workplace accident and there has been an acceptance of liability by an employer or its insurance carrier and it is the payment of future weekly compensation checks in exchange for a settled amount of money.

You’ve likely already completed your treatment. You might also be ready to go back to work within your limitations from your work related injury and move on with your career.

A Denial and Dismissal (D&D) is the settlement of a disputed claim in which liability of an employer has not been established.  Essentially there is a compromised payment of money that is NOT workers’ compensation benefits.

This type of settlement may occur when the employer or the insurance carrier denies the claim, refuses to pay weekly benefits or pay for or approve medical treatment for an injured employee.

In either type of settlement, a Judge at the Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Court must approve the settlement being proposed to be in the best interest of all parties.

Protecting Your Rights And Maximizing Your Settlement

The Law Offices of Lawrence J. Signore, serves Rhode Islanders across the state. Known as The Rhode Lawyer,  Attorney, Lawrence Signore, has found much success in fighting for the money our clients deserve. He works hard for our clients, and it shows in the settlements they receive.

Attorney Signore is always in pursuit of the maximum workers’ compensation settlement. Throughout the negotiation and settlement process, he’ll be hard at work pushing for the most you can possibly get. And, when you’re done, you might find yourself in a much better position than before you called The Rhode Lawyer.

Answering Your Questions About Workers’ Compensation Settlements

For most Rhode Islanders with workers’ compensation problems, the type of compensation they receive at the end is an afterthought. But you should think about it and get your questions answered early so that you know what to do later. Below are answers to a few questions that our attorney most often receives.

Can I get a settlement for workers’ comp in Rhode Island?

If you have been injured at work in Rhode Island and are facing obstacles, you may be able to get a settlement. The only people who are not able to receive settlements are those who are not covered by their companies’ workers’ compensation policies.

How long do most workers’ compensation settlements take?

A settlement can take a long time to reach. Some workers’ compensation cases move quickly, while others can take years to resolve successfully. Whatever steps you want to take with your settlement, our attorney and staff will be behind you the entire way.

The Rhode Lawyer Gets Settlements For Workers’ Compensation

It may or may not be in your best interests to settle your workers’ comp claim at this time. There are many factors, such as the extent of the injury, the degree of recovery and whether you will need ongoing medical treatment or future surgery. Mr. Signore will help you understand your rights and weigh the pros and cons. He is a skilled negotiator and trial lawyer who understands the value of your claim and how to secure the most favorable settlement for you.

Call the Rhode Lawyer at 401-273-3000 or send us an email to arrange your free consultation. We can come to you if you are not able to travel to our office in Providence.